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Art Show: Robots


by Robert W. Walker

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Art: EVE3000 by Artist Robert W. Walker
EVE3000 has been a project I have wanted to do for quite sometime. Unfortunatly there are far to few mannequins in my life. She is the first, hence her name...can't wait for another, so uhhh,....if you know of a unwanted mannequin, think of me. -Robert W. Walker EVE3000 is Robert W. Walker's very first venture into the three-dimensional arena. The title of the work immediately presents the viewer with a paradox by juxtaposing the concept of Eden with the images of futurism, modernity, and robotics. The piece is an eccentric combination of industrial-like fixtures, geometrical sutures, and a variety of electronic and mechanical objects. A closer inspection of the mannequin reveals that Walker has even used parts of his DVD player and his computer. Blood overflows and slowly trickles down from several fleshy gashes, which appear on the mannequin. Thus, the human element and the mechanical element are made to coexist. Upon reflection, one begins to sense the paradoxical nature of the piece even further. Eve stands simultaneously in two different ages. On the one hand, she is old and technologically antiquated. On the other hand, she manages to project a sense of power and futuristic creation. The high heels, a perfect fit on her two feet, even add an heir of sexiness. Many people who are familiar with Robert's other pieces may question why he seems to have abandoned the lush, imaginative, and naturalistic images that he paints so well. Robert sees this new piece as the introduction of an essentially inverse realm to that of his paintings. This is a realm in which the steel greys of industry and the orange rust of decline reside; a realm where history and man collide with modernism and capitalism. --Zach Allen, Columbus writer and art critic

Detail Images

Detail Image for art EVE3000

Detail Image for art EVE3000

Detail Image for art EVE3000


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