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Art Show: Third Annual Ripped Off

Ocean, Motion, Sensation, Celebration

by Lindi Levison

Banner for Third Annual Ripped Off art show

Art: Ocean, Motion, Sensation, Celebration by Artist Lindi Levison
As soon as I saw the colors and swirls in Janine Lynne Pilkington's piece "Sunset and the Motion of the Ocean", I knew I wanted to paint it. The subject matter is familiar to me (ocean themes being something I often paint), but to see it through someone else's eyes - it was truly a breath of fresh air. Creating this piece was comfy for me, like an old pair of shoes, yet inspiring and new at the same time. It was just really, really fun. In the last detail image, you will see Janine's original work. Thank you, Janine, for letting me rip you off! :-)

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Ocean, Motion, Sensation, Celebration

Detail Image for art Ocean, Motion, Sensation, Celebration


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