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Art Show: Ripped Off 2014

Footfalls of the Scarlet Sentry

by Alma Lee

Banner for Ripped Off 2014 art show

Art: Footfalls of the Scarlet Sentry by Artist Alma Lee
Here is my RIP of Beth Fiedel's Scarlet Sentinels.(detail image 3) When Beth first approached me about partnering up for the RIP show I almost said no.  Truth is Beth has such a command and mastery about her paintings, all with an air of simplicity, yet detailed each in thier own way. Her work conjures up Gauguin in both it's color and composition, Gauguin I am not, I did not think I could do it justice. After all I don't paint landscapes, and I am positively "anal" about detail, How could I let go, enough to paint freely let alone admirably?  Well I said yes anyway , and then panic set in. 

I completed 2 pathetic attempts, and was almost resigned to back out when I took a new perspective, and used a new medium (felt). I pushed the paused button for a few minutes, looked at Scarlet Sentinels, and realized my approach was all wrong. Instead of taking in the whole glorious Panorama of her piece I needed to tighten in my focus and illustrate what I would see as I walked up and through the Scarlet Sentinels, the beautiful forest floor. So I guess you may say that I missed the big picture and chose the view at my feet. Oh go ahead and say it I am a Micro manager!

Footfalls of the Scarlet Sentry:
size: 9x12"
media: felt
Subject: forest floor beneath the Scarlet Sentinels.
style: RIP of Elizabeth Fiedel 

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Footfalls of the Scarlet Sentry

sentry cup.jpg

Detail Image for art Footfalls of the Scarlet Sentry

sentry cup 1.jpg

Detail Image for art Footfalls of the Scarlet Sentry



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