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Art Show: Ripped Off 2013

Wibble the Wonder Horse

by Lindi Levison

Banner for Ripped Off 2013 art show

Art: Wibble the Wonder Horse by Artist Lindi Levison
This piece is my second attempt at 3D/found object art. I've had this plastic horse since I was a kid, and most of the sorrel-colored paint had worn off a long time ago. (I should have taken a "before" picture). I wanted to breathe new life into this 40-year-old horse, and at the same time, I wanted to create an entry for the 13th annual Ripped Off exhibit here at EBSQ. With permission, I ripped the style of Vicky Knowles, and that's how "Wibble the Wonder Horse" was born. Even though Wibble was just born, he is somehow immortal. He has been around since time began, and will live on throughout eternity. I guess it's one of his super-powers. He is a long-time member of the Legion of Superwibbles, hence the colorful cape. It has even been said that he carried the great Spinach Washington into battle during the Wibblutionary War, and wintered over with him as well at Wibbley Forge.The list of Wibble's accomplishments goes on and on, and being too numerous to mention, I will just let you gaze in awe at his wibbley wonderfulness.

Note: I think Wibbley eyes are very difficult to paint! Vicky is truly the most wibblesome expert awound. I mean around.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Wibble the Wonder Horse


Detail Image for art Wibble the Wonder Horse


Detail Image for art Wibble the Wonder Horse



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