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Art Show: 10th Annual Ripped Off

The Martyr

by Lauren Cole Abrams

Banner for 10th Annual Ripped Off art show

Art: The Martyr by Artist Lauren Cole Abrams
This piece is my rip of John Borrero's work. It's a combination of a story he told, my own religious feelings and his methods of using found pieces as body parts. The story was of a pious woman who was imprisioned for her religious beliefs. During her stay in prison someone gave her a neckpiece to wear under her garments that had symbols that were very important to her and kept her resolute in her beliefs. This is what I imagined her to look like, complete with my own verson of the neckpiece he made for this show. Anyone who knows his work will hopefully recognize the types of arms and hands often found as part of his wonderful work. This was quite a challange for me because I"m used to working from reference and this was largely out of my head(which is how I felt several times during it's completion)


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