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Art Show: 10th Annual Ripped Off

Like Vapor

by Robin Cruz McGee

Banner for 10th Annual Ripped Off art show

Art: Like Vapor by Artist Robin Cruz McGee
This is a RIP of Steven King's Vapor, done for the EBSQ Ripped Off Show. It is copper repousse with a fumed ammonia patina. When I looked through Steven's work, his painting "Vapor" made me stop and take pause. Though there was no statement about it, the work spoke volumes to me. Figurative work is much more of a challenge then my usual botanical work. Having something I strongly identify with from past experience makes it much more worth doing. The posture, the nebulousness and the narrow pallet reminded me of a time in my life when I suffered from depression. (If that's not what it's about, Steven, sorry) I rendered the figure in the same closed in configuration and narrowed my choice of punches for the basic texture. I thought it appropriate to use a fumed patina with the work in a closed box exposed to the corrosive vapors. The edges were sawed in a haphazard manner with some fairly random piercings, appropriate to the theme. The world dissolves, the atmosphere is hard to breathe. Yes, I remember. But all things eventually change.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Like Vapor

Steven King's Vapor


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