this again is Ripped off from Candace's 7deadly sins and she chose "Vainity", and I loved her Medussa, and I could not believe it, because I have been wanting to create Medussa for so long, in this story, "Medussa" is a very vain woman, she is sexy and dangerous, wanting Love so deeply, but every man has turned to stone, she does not know why, wanting and longing to be kissed, she came across a mirror, she saw a reflection of herself, and her lustrous figure and her snakes, she looked into the mirror and leaned over to kiss herself, and it happened, poor, poor, Medussa, killed by her own Vanity. I used polymer clay, and after baking dusted her with pastels, and draped her with silk ribbon and flowers, she is secured to a wood base that has been stained and odorhed with rocks and silk flowers and moss, she has a brass arm wrap with peridot and malachite stones, her necklace is a brass wire, she was glazed for lustre. I was hopeing that this would make you laugh Candace, she is pretty cool...thanks :), lol