A piece created for the Ripped Off 2007. This is my version of Veronique Perron's "Your Tuxedo for the Musical". It was very hard to choose which piece of Veronique's I wanted to recreate because she has so MUCH artwork and it's all so fun and great. It was a hard choice!! All of her work is lovely.
I basically recreated Veronique's piece in my own style and added some different music notation in the background. Unfortunately, I don't know very much about music, so I copied some of Frank Zappa's notation from "the Black Page". Being as this was the case, (and if you've ever heard Frank Zappa's music, you'll understand) I thought the cats in the piece wouldn't be quite as mellow as in Veronique's were in the original (they were listening to Jazz. Hee hee.), while listening to The Black Page, and thus, they're flying around and one of them looks a little scared.
Detail Images
Veronique's Original
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