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Art Show: 6th Annual Ripped Off Show

I Will Take You Home

by Tiffany Matthews

Banner for 6th Annual Ripped Off Show art show

Art: I Will Take You Home by Artist Tiffany Matthews
This is my rip of Tina Maravelis' "I Will Bring You Home" for the Ripped Off Show 2006.

Her painting really struck me and I thought about how I wanted to interpret it for weeks. Then we were dog sitting and the little buggar got out. I drove around frantically trying to find him and then stopped and just prayed I'd find him because I couldn't bear telling my friend's two little boys I'd lost their dog. I started driving again and drove straight to him.

Long story short: I think of the girl as sort of an angel who will take the kitty home--either to her home or to it's home. The viewer decides.

(I chose to paint a cat insted of my friend's dog because he is the ugliest little pug you've ever seen--so ugly he's cute, but I wasn't sure I could capture his "cuteness" in the painting! :-) )

Detail Images

Detail Image for art I Will Take You Home


Detail Image for art I Will Take You Home


Detail Image for art I Will Take You Home

Tina's original


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