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Art Show: 5th Annual Ripped Off Show

lighting bugs spiral of lights

by W. Kevin Murray

Banner for 5th Annual Ripped Off Show art show

Art: lighting bugs spiral of lights by Artist W. Kevin Murray
Go with what you know. My mantra for this years ripped show. I teamed up with Carolyn (Bromley2) again this year and was hoping to dive right back into my Poser and Bryce computer programs after not touching them since last year. Oh was I wrong! All you have to do is spend an hour or two with either one of those programs, to renew your respect for Carolyn's work. I'll stick with the my Digital Camera and Paint Shop Pro 8, thank you very much. My "rip" of Carolyn's "Spiro" came about from an idea I had last Summer. I wanted to try to capture some time lapse images of lightning bugs in a jar. Sounds like a cool idea, right? So this year where going to give it a try. First, there is never a kid around when you need one. So this 46 year old man is chasing down lightning bugs in his backyard for all his neighbors to see. Second, these buggers stop flashing after their in the jar for awhile. So, now you have to go run around the yard a second time to get yourself some new models. Patience is a virtue, well virtuous I'm not, especially when mosquitos are involved. I did manage to capture several images of these tiny painters with light as they moved across their glass canvas. I then used Paint Shop to bring several images together and then form the "Spiral" of lights you see here.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art lighting bugs spiral of lights

Original image just out of the camera

Detail Image for art lighting bugs spiral of lights

First effects applied in Paint Shop 8

Detail Image for art lighting bugs spiral of lights

Carolyn's original


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