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Art Show: 5th Annual Ripped Off Show

Poison Apple After the Bite

by Sandi Gayle Stefkovich

Banner for 5th Annual Ripped Off Show art show

Art: Poison Apple After the Bite by Artist Sandi Gayle Stefkovich
This is my RIP of Noelle Hunt's Poison Apple. Her peice shows the apple getting ready to be bit into but as of yet no bite. I decided to show what happens right after that bite. The very first time I saw her Poison Apple I was envisioning that little doll taking a bite. I also loved the detail on her black dress and actually stayed as true to the dress as possible. It is really hard to take a peice that stands on it's own so well and tweak it in such a way as not to destroy the original intent of the peice but superimpose your own style and vision to it. The RIP show is such a fun show in our year, it makes it possible to stretch as an artist, and to be able to play in someone's portfolio. You really couldn't ask for a more fun time!!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Poison Apple After the Bite

Detail Image for art Poison Apple After the Bite

Detail Image for art Poison Apple After the Bite

Noel Hunt's Poison Apple


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