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Art Show: Something Revolutionary

Not Tonight Josephine!

by Paul Helm

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Art: Not Tonight Josephine! by Artist Paul Helm
Did Napoleon really say "Not tonight Josephine"? It is generally classified as one of the great misquotes along with Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake!" I reckon of course he said it. He wasn't the type to make up lame excuses if he didn't feel up to it. What do you think?

On a more serious note: Napoleon and his campaigns were the greatest work inspired by the French Revolution. He is generally credited with having consolidated the gains of the Revolution. H.A.L.Fisher wrote: "Bonaparte came to close the Romance of the Revolution, to heal the wounds, to correct the extravagances, to secure the conquests"

The painted canvas is inserted into a custom frame I made which becomes an integral component.

You can get a print at : Print & frame my art at Imagekind...

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Not Tonight Josephine!

The Custom frame + canvas


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