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Art Show: Retro Kitsch Show

That Was Then, This is Now

by April

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Art: That Was Then, This is Now by Artist April
If only things were as simple as they were back in the times this style was popular. Created in a vintage pinup style, with a modernistic twist, this piece attempts to bridge the gap between a more naive and innocent past and an age of overinformation, cynicism, fear, and confusion, particularly in regard to the current war. And while this piece is an honest attempt to reclaim some of the Patriotic spirit felt by many in the first world wars, and encourage those feelings, it also addresses (via a small peace emblem on the hat) the seemingly conflicting emotions many are experiencing in our current conflict as a way of saying that the two can coexist. Perhaps even that they should.

This image is currently offered in my Cafe Press store on T-shirts and mini-posters. 10% of the proceeds from these sales will be donated to EBSQ member Windi Rosson for the purchase and shipment of "care" packages to her husband's unit serving in Iraq. You can access my Cafe Press store (or any other ebsq member with a Cafe Press store) by clicking on the black shooting star icon in the grey artist's profile box seen above.


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