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Art Show: Repurposed: Art from Recycled Materials


by Carissa M Martos

Banner for Repurposed: Art from Recycled Materials art show

Art: Dragonwall by Artist Carissa M Martos
Inspired by a story of the courageous knight who gave his life on the battlements to save his friends from a monstrous dragon. I've found that most people either see the castle, and then the dragon, or the dragon and then the castle. The enormity of the creature isn't really understood until both are seen together.

One of my first pieces, this dragon was created completely free-hand. After the eye and the castle were chosen, and the night sky background found, I cut and placed the myriad scales individually, layering them for a wonderful saurian effect.

All parts of this piece, down to the frame and the foam backing, were found discarded at a school. Magazines, a calendar, even the glue, were scavenged and salvaged from the landfill and used to create this stunning piece. As a budding artist, I did most of my collages this way, using almost exclusively found objects.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Dragonwall


Detail Image for art Dragonwall


Detail Image for art Dragonwall


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