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Art Show: Reinterpreting Children’s Art

Wild Above and Beyond

by Nata ArtistaDonna

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Art: Wild Above and Beyond by Artist Nata ArtistaDonna
My three year old Bella is very artistic. She draws several times a day and amazes me each time. I always ask her to explain what she drew and why she drew it. I write what she tells me on the back and date it. This particular painting was depicted for her fathers birthday. Bella told me she painted wild animals. She used her a fan brush and crayola paints. I watched her rapid brush strokes with amazement. I took her vision and reinterpreted in my own style. I used pen and ink. I added a tree with different types of leaves in the background. Cross hatching was used through out the drawing. I love to watch children express themselves through their art.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Wild Above and Beyond

Bella's painting (3 years old)

Detail Image for art Wild Above and Beyond

Detail Image for art Wild Above and Beyond


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