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Art Show: Reinterpreting Children’s Art


by Theodora Demetriades

Banner for Reinterpreting Children’s Art art show

Art: DINOSAUR TRACKS by Artist Theodora Demetriades
Watching a child work on a piece of art is facinating...especially when they are three years old and the influences are minimal....they just seem to know that they want to draw and somehow in their heads there is a story with everything that they work on. I just remember that my grandaughter kept repeating crunch and somehow this piece was related to the dinosaur sculpture that she had seen in our downtown area of Haddonfield.....we have the honor of living next to the ravine that was the place for the discovery of the first dinosaur skeleton in the United STates Here is the link to the Hadrasurs Folki site.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art DINOSAUR TRACKS


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