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Art Show: Reflections

Velvet Water

by Brenda Boylan

Banner for Reflections art show

Art: Velvet Water by Artist Brenda Boylan
I found this boat in a Seattle harbor and the water stirred my eye. The wetness and motion, the blue sky reflecting in the water, and the boat lapping against the wavy surface settles an evocative calm upon one's emotions. Painted with pastel on a sanded surface, many layers of color make the levels of water seem deep. A soft touch with the pastel, known as "scumbling", was used on the shadows upon the boats' deck. The original source image was magnified to see all the seemingly complicated motion upon the watery surface so to capture it accurately enough on paper.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Velvet Water

Detail of reflection

Detail Image for art Velvet Water

Detail of boat deck

Detail Image for art Velvet Water

Detail of water


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