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Art Show: The Polymer Clay Show

Miniature Schnauzer Bedtime Clay Dog Sculpture

by Sonya A. Prince

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Art: Miniature Schnauzer Bedtime Clay Dog Sculpture by Artist Sonya  A. Prince
This is a polymer clay sculpture of a Miniature Schnauzer who is getting ready for bedtime. An original design by myself, I handsculpted it from fimo and premo polymer clays, using my fingers and a wooden kemper tool, and handpainted it to perfection with quality satiny smooth acrylics. The pillows were done in pearl colors for a very feminine look.

After sculpting and painting, the piece was cured in my oven, which hardened and sealed the acrylics to the clay. The finish is natural and it's easily cleaned with a moist cloth without the worry of the paints chipping or smudging. A light glaze can be applied for a glossy look if desired.

She's up for auction on ebay the week of Aug.24 - Aug.31,'06 and is signed and dated by me. A certificate of authenticity is available upon request for the owner of this piece.

My mini schnauzer "Noodles" modeled for me while I sculpted this piece :) Thank you Noodles, and to all the other adorable dogs that inspire me to sculpt.

Thanks for looking!


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