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Art Show: Pointilism

The Sophisticate

by Alma Lee

Banner for Pointilism art show

Art: The Sophisticate by Artist Alma Lee
This is a drawing  I worked on some 27 years ago and WORK I did!  We were asked to submit art for a upcoming fashion show entitled: Sophisticated Ladies.  Mine work won, then I was informed that it would have to be reproduced by me on 2 sheets of foam core board 3x6' to hang on either side of the stage.  Needless to say I had lots and lots of help, one of the dumbest things I ever did in my life! A couple of my friends and I worked until well into the wee hours for several nights duplicating with a projector and magic markers.  We did it only once and then hung black netting with a big bow on the opposite side with the title on it.  It worked out good.  One of my friends became responsible for the table settings and that was another late night.  The show was a hit, we went back stage to collect our art work, thinking it would be pretty cool hanging on our apartment wall and it was stolen within 5 min of the show closing.  Oh I have my suspects, but that is another story!  I later sold the image to ShopKo for Lingerie' tags.

About this art:
size: 11x17"
media: India ink on drawing paper
style: pointillism
status of the original:NA
Prints available from artist

Detail Image

Detail Image for art The Sophisticate

0712 Sophisticate Lady cup 1.jpg


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