Status - Private Collection of Jennifer Reid, my pet portrait swap partner...This is Mojo a 5 year old tabby who is the, oldest, wisest, most dignified, of his other playmates and Jenn, the one he has chosen to train. This bi-lingual kitty is brilliant speaking fluently in Cat-ish and English. Mojo is stately and brilliant as he devises ways to keep everyone in line as he looks after the others and what he says goes. Don't let all that power fool you though as he is modest and embarrasses easily!
Painted on a 12x12 inch hardboard panel, I used acrylic paints. Metallic gold was used for the inner frame around Jenn and Mojo and gold interference mixed with the lavendar color used for the outer frame.
If you are interested in a pet portrait commission, please feel free to contact me or visit my website. Thanks for looking!
Detail Images


Original photo of Mojo and Jenn
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