Kiki, portrait of a drunken cat.
I suspect that this cat was drunk a lot. Wether from embarassment of having a girl's name or from the stress of living with a coyote (a true fact); I don't know, but the truth is Kiki drank.
I can't say that I blamed him, I myself suffered a rather nasty bite on the bum at the hands or, rather, teeth of the poorly mannered coyote Kiki lived with. Kiki could have taken the coyote if he wanted to, I suspect that in a fight with a polar bear Kiki would have won, he was one tough Ocean View cat and we will miss him.
So here's to you Kiki. Cheers!
Kiki was a very loved and spoiled cat and one of Marina Owens' three pets.
This painting is an entry in the EBSQ Pet Portratit Swap 04 Show>