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Art Show: EBSQ 6th Annual Pet Portrait Swap

It was a Dark & Stormy Night...

by Nicole Helbig

Banner for EBSQ 6th Annual Pet Portrait Swap art show

Art: It was a Dark & Stormy Night... by Artist Nicole Helbig
This is Tracey Greene's Pablo :)...

In the reference photo, he has this crazy pose with a pencil, and eyes that give the impression he's thinking about something, and everyone is just bothering him with the camera...

In the world of the legendary Snoopy and Charlie Brown...

every cat/dog author starts his novel with "It was a dark and stormy night...". I hope Tracey likes it...

Detail Images

Detail Image for art It was a Dark & Stormy Night...

Detail Image for art It was a Dark & Stormy Night...

Detail Image for art It was a Dark & Stormy Night...



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