![Art: My Pumpkin by Artist Elaina Wagner](https://art.ebsqart.com/Art/Cats-and-other-animals/Acrylic-on-Canvas-Sheet/216925/650/650/My-Pumpkin.jpg)
This is a Halloween painting titled "My Pumpkin". The painting features a cute little purple kitty who is tightly holding her pumpkin. The painting has a large amount of detail and very vibrant colors. This piece was made with the use of acrylic paints on an 8" x 6" sheet of canvas. Prints of this painting are available on ebay.
Detail Images
![Detail Image for art My Pumpkin Detail Image for art My Pumpkin](https://art.ebsqart.com/Art/Cats-and-other-animals/Acrylic-on-Canvas-Sheet/216926/300/300/Face-Detail.jpg)
Face Detail
![Detail Image for art My Pumpkin Detail Image for art My Pumpkin](https://art.ebsqart.com/Art/Cats-and-other-animals/Acrylic-on-Canvas-Sheet/216927/300/300/Pumpkin-Detail.jpg)
Pumpkin Detail
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