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Art Show: More Than Birth: Matriarchs, Mothers And Mothering

My Sewing Sister

by Naquaiya

Banner for More Than Birth: Matriarchs, Mothers And Mothering art show

Art: My Sewing Sister by Artist Naquaiya
This little picture is a tribute to my older sister Germaine, who was very good at sewing, decorating, and drawing. She used her sewing machine like an artist uses brush and paint. She made me many wonderful things--sometimes, she made them literally out of nothing. Once she made a cape for cutting hair out of a broken umbrella. I always have a wonderful picture in my mind of her creating magic at her old black Singer Sewing Machine. I drew this after her passing and keep it in my bedroom to always remember her. If you have an older sister of this kind, always treasure her.


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