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Art Show: More Than Birth: Matriarchs, Mothers And Mothering

Morning Chores Autumn Portrait /Figure Landscape

by Tammy Fleetwood Moody

Banner for More Than Birth: Matriarchs, Mothers And Mothering art show

Art:  Morning Chores Autumn Portrait /Figure Landscape  by Artist Tammy Fleetwood Moody
This is a 12x16 acrylic painting on canvas board, which was done as a tribute to some of my most precious childhood memories. The old house in the background is very similar to the old farm house I grew up in, where my Mom would have been fixing breakfast while we were all out feeding the animals before school. This piece has special meaning to me and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it. This small painting has already sold.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art  Morning Chores Autumn Portrait /Figure Landscape

One Style of framing and matting

Detail Image for art  Morning Chores Autumn Portrait /Figure Landscape

A different style of framing and matting

Detail Image for art  Morning Chores Autumn Portrait /Figure Landscape

Another look you might consider


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