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Art Show: More Than Birth: Matriarchs, Mothers And Mothering

Young life

by Miriam Bos

Banner for More Than Birth: Matriarchs, Mothers And Mothering art show

Art: Young life by Artist Miriam Bos
A baby lies peacefully on its mummy's belly. I tried to symbolize the warm connection that the mother and child have together. Feeling peaceful and safe. But there is even more to that, and I can't really describe it with words. But it's the same way I feel when I am with my mum and when we are talking about things. This connection, or deeper understanding, that is about love and also friendship :)

This was actually a try out with watercolour. I don't work often with this media, and sometimes it is fun to try and create something new again. I tried to create a dreamy atmosphere with it.


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