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Art Show: All The Modern Conveniences: Nifty Gadgets From The Pre-Digital World Home.

Prospectus and Entry Instructions

Exhibit Entries accepted from 10/1/2006 to 10/31/2006.

Banner for All The Modern Conveniences: Nifty Gadgets From The Pre-Digital World Home. art show


The 1950's - a prosperous, optimistic time when the future, new, shiny and modern, was embraced with a fervor. No where was this more evident that in the home. From the kitchen to the garage to the patio - nifty high-tech gadgets, appliances and accessories abounded to bring contemporary, futuristic enhancements to daily life. This show is a tribute to those functional, not so functional and the very cool but pointless items that were a part of every modern 50's home.

"All The Modern Conveniences: Nifty Gadgets from the Pre-Digital World Home" is a media specific show featuring college and assemblage. No other media is eligible for this show.

A statement detailing the materials, process, and what made you choose your subject is required. It increases understanding of your work and significantly enhances the experience for the viewer. As texture or other small elements may be pivotal to the piece, detail shots are encouraged. All points of the prospectus must be met. If you have any questions regarding the prospectus and its requirements, please send them to

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EBSQ Self Representing Artists - is a division of EBSQ, LLC