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Art Show: Ragin' Cajun Mardi Gras

Why Alligator Hates Dog

by Jenny Doss

Banner for Ragin' Cajun Mardi Gras art show

Art: Why Alligator Hates Dog by Artist Jenny Doss
This original painting is my rendition of the Cajun folktale "Why alligator hates dog." In the painting, cypress hangs on the trees, the blue water of the bayou is clear, and dog can be seen on the edge of the dock, looking across the water at alligator on his little island. Dog yells to alligator: "You can't get me, Mistah Gator!" Meanwhile, alligator grits his teeth and replies "Just you wait, you dirty dawg!". The rest of the painting tells the tale: "Why Alligator Hates De Dog: Dog taunts Monsieur Gator over and over... one day he got too close and Monsieur Gator thought he had him in his big teeth, but Mister Dog is a sly one. He tricked Monsieur Gatot and got away!! Monsieur Gator will never forget... and he won't make the same mistake agin, so Look Out, Mister Dog!!"


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