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Art Show: Macro Bug Photography

Refection Bug Art

by Sharon Lemay

Banner for Macro Bug Photography art show

Art: Refection Bug Art  by Artist Sharon Lemay
I hope you enjoy the reflection of the Dragon Fly. I first took a photograph of this fantastic dragon fly then added some water reflection effects then cut of the sides of the frame to make it look like the dragon fly hade a good lunch.Then added a pink back grown to bring out all the colors. This was a micro shot done with my Canon Power Shot A520.

They come not only in red, fuchsia, orange, pink, blue, gold, saffron, black, emerald, maroon, earth tones, and more, but also in metallic colors. Some have colored, spotted or banded wings; others may have clear wings but clubbed abdomens or a spike on their tail. And, no, they do not sting or bite. They have mouths that they do use to bite their prey (mostly mosquitoes and gnats) but they do not bite people unless caught and handled roughly, They have no stingers.The projections on the end of their abdomens are their claspers, used by the male to hold the female in their unique 'wheel' mating position.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Refection Bug Art

Started with this photograph I took with my Canon camera

Detail Image for art Refection Bug Art

After cutting off the sides of the frame.

Detail Image for art Refection Bug Art

Adding back grown color.Cutting off frame


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