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Art Show: Lifting the Veil: The Art & Tools of Divination

Runes in the Night

by Kiya

Banner for Lifting the Veil: The Art & Tools of Divination art show

Art: Runes in the Night by Artist Kiya
This piece is for the Lifting the Veil show. A princess consults the meaning of the Runes with a Magical Beast - a Unicorn. In her hand she holds "The psychic order of the Gods", on her necklace she wears "Joy, Harmony of like forces", and together in the stars they see that the "Ancestral Gods" and the "Sky God" bring about a soverign order of controlled energy focus which result in wealth and dynamic power for the the Kingdom.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Runes in the Night

Star Runes

Detail Image for art Runes in the Night



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