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Art Show: Lifting the Veil: The Art & Tools of Divination

The Palm Reader

by Teresa Dresden

Banner for Lifting the Veil: The Art & Tools of Divination art show

Art: The Palm Reader by Artist Teresa Dresden
The fortune teller is wise, she sees all the signs. She'll read your palm or her palm will read you. A collage of multiple layers in more ways than one. The fortune teller's face is two faces to give her a ghostly appearance and whited out her eyes because she is a blind seer. Keys are scattered throughout because she holds the key to your secrets and possibly the future. The crow at the top represent the afterlife. The fortune teller has a vision of a woman reading a letter. This fortune does not look good! I created this in Photoshop using a Wacom tablet, clip art, vintage photos, and illustration.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art The Palm Reader

Unseeing eyes that see all

Detail Image for art The Palm Reader

An extra eye is always handy


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