Beautiful glass crystal ball forged in a 2,000 degree kiln and weighing in at 2 1/4 pounds.
Remniscent of the mysterious Sargaso sea - sailors and lovers beware!
When I made this beautiful glass object this summer, I thought "YAY! I've finally got my own crystal ball!" Now I don't have to pay someone else to read one for me, I can read my own (I take divination seriously). The more you gaze, the more you see.... especially the sailors and lovers who've been becalmed on the mysterious Sargasso sea.
The Sargasso is an oasis of floating seaweed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean next to the Bermuda Triangle. The major ocean currents flow around it but not through it so it is an oasis of calm on the turbulent ocean. Many sea animals come to this area of calm to mate or safely lay their eggs.It is a very mysterious place... read on.
Wikipedia: The Sargasso Sea of the Atlantic Ocean, lies next to the Bermuda Triangle. The term Super-Sargasso Sea is the dimension into which lost things go, whose existence was proposed by Charles Hoy Fort, writer and researcher into anomalous phenomena. It may be thought of as the spontaneous, anomalous teleportation of an object into another dimension.
Don't gaze too long now.... you just might find yourself in another dimension.....
A crystal ball is a crystal or glass ball device used to aid clairvoyance. It is sometimes known as a shew stone.
The art or process of "seeing" is known as "scrying," whereby images are seen in crystal balls, or other mediums such as water, and are interpreted as meaningful information. The "information" gleaned then is used to make important decisions in one's life (i.e. love, marriage, finances, travel, business, etc).
When the technique of scrying is used with crystal balls, or any transparent body, it is known as crystallomancy.