Familiars are tools of witches, wizards, shamans and the presents of a familiar Increases his or her persons magical power. The most common magical familiars are cats (particularly black cats), owls, dogs, and sometimes frogs, toads, crows or hares. Occult figures with a crow familiars have increased powers of divination so long as the familiar lives. Crow Mythology: The Crow is associated with the visible and invisible worlds, and is considered a bird of omen and prophecy. Crows possess the power of divination; their “caws” are oracles, thought to be warnings or directives. Completed 08-20-07, started as one series of pictures for Halloween this fall from several sketches back in June. Halloween is theme I have never worked with, however it has been really fun. I Hope you like to.
Halloween friends shows the day of the dead in the moon. The mature figure of a sensuous wise woman representing fertility and motherhood. She is accompanied by historic wiccan living tools her familiars. The cat for increased occult powers and curiosity. The crow gives wisdom of the unseen and powers of divination.
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