The eyes that see into the future.
Peacock feathers have been used in magical and mystical rituals throughout history. They were used in healing rituals and magical ceremonies by many cultures including Native Americans and in Shamanic traditions. They are said to have protective powers and are used in magical rituals and used as amulets to protect one against future accidents, illness, and misfortunes.
Many consider Peacocks to be healers and clairvoyants themselves. The round “eyes” of the feathers are said to give the Peacock vision into the past, present and future, and they are seen as the sacred all seeing eyes of the magical world.
Shamanic traditions suggest that we are assisted throughout our lives by animals known as Spirit Guardians or Totem Animals. The Peacock animal totem is a one of the most influential of all totems, and for century’s shamans, priestesses, spiritualist and practitioners of the occult have used the Peacock and their feathers to transfer the powerful magical energy of the clairvoyant Peacock to themselves. It is believed that through the Peacock stronger mental abilities, mental clarity, and ability to see into the future are virtues attributed to the majestic Peacock.
I used acrylics in creating this painting, with vibrant blues, greens, yellows, and metallic gold to accentuate the "eyes". I also imbedded skeletonized leaves that became an integral element and added to the visual aspect of this piece.
Status: Sold
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