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Art Show: Lifting the Veil: The Art & Tools of Divination


by Vicky Knowles

Banner for Lifting the Veil: The Art & Tools of Divination art show

Art: Bubbles by Artist Vicky Knowles
Next time you're deep in the ocean and you want to have your fortune told, I'd recommend going to Bubbles and his magic crystal ball. Bubbles is an octocat who's a wizard by trade, but runs a side business as a fortune teller for some extra cash. I heard he's really good - when you're part cat, part octopus and a wizard all rolled into one, how can you go wrong? It's like the best of three worlds! I know what you're thinking, that this is a septocat, not an octocat, but the other leg is just behind him. Really, it is.

've always loved the imagery associated with various forms of divination. This is a portrait of a fortune teller, them method of divination portrayed is the Crystal Ball.

This painting is Oil on Masonite Panel. I chose this medium because it is what I am most comfortable with and because I feel that it enables me to express my vision most accurately.


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