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Art Show: 2014 Annual Better Late Than Never Show

Handful Harvest

by Melanie Pruitt

Banner for 2014 Annual Better Late Than Never Show art show

Art: Handful Harvest by Artist Melanie Pruitt
My neighbor grows beautiful tomatoes and I was so  impressed with the colors I just had to paint them! So I piled a bunch of yellow and red cherry tomatoes into my hand and snapped some reference photos. This is the painting that resulted! 

I began this painting at the beginning of August, hoping to enter it into the August "Summer Vegetable" show. Unfortunately, health got in the way again, and I didn't complete it until mid Sept. so here it is the "Better Late Than Never" Exhibit!

"Handful Harvest" is an original watercolor. In the close up pictures you will see that I've used some wonderful granulating paints. One side is the deckled torn edge of the paper (as shown in picture 4) and the other 3 are straight cut. It is painted on 300lb Artistico Hot Press paper. 

 Available for purchase Here on Etsy

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Handful Harvest


Detail Image for art Handful Harvest


Detail Image for art Handful Harvest



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