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Art Show: Better Late Than Never 2007

Live through Cancer (SOLD proceeds to Breast Cancer)

by Lori Flagg

Banner for Better Late Than Never 2007 art show

Art: Live through Cancer (SOLD proceeds to Breast Cancer) by Artist Lori Flagg
I decided after my chemotherapy treatment for inflammatory breast cancer that I would get a tattoo. I wanted a pink ribbon so I would never be without my ribbon. The ribbons are symbolic of the fight to survive. I had to fight inflammatory breast cancer, an uncommon form of beast cancer often misdiagnosed because you do not need to have a lump to have beast cancer. So I designed my tattoo and had it place on my chest. The red roses in the center symbolize my IBC. I decided to do a small painting in hopes it would inspire people to be aware..there is more than one kind of breast cancer. Entered for the Better Late show.


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