![Art: Kris Jean by Artist Debra Schott](https://art.ebsqart.com/Art/Gallery/oil-on-board/372458/650/650/Kris-Jean.jpg)
Kris Jean is contemplating how her new piece will be...should this subject be male or female? or both?
I can just read her mind, while she's making up hers...and of course we all know that it will be a NUDE!
This was a fun portrait for me because I always enjoy reading Kris Jean's posts...she just 'cracks me up'!
I missed the deadline for the Portrait Swap in November and just 'barely' got this in for the 'Better Late than Never' Show...Thanks Kris Jean for waiting I hope you like it!
Detail Image
![Detail Image for art Kris Jean Detail Image for art Kris Jean](https://art.ebsqart.com/Art/Gallery/oil-on-board/372465/300/300/Hmmmmshes-contemplating.jpg)
"Hmmmm...she's contemplating!"
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