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Art Show: In the Kitchen with EBSQ: Art & Food

Hot Chocolate & Biscotti

by Yvonne Carter

Banner for In the Kitchen with EBSQ: Art & Food art show

Art: Hot Chocolate & Biscotti by Artist Yvonne Carter
My boss gave me biscotti for Christmas and I had never eaten it before. It was so hard and I couldn't eat it until he told me you have to soak it in a warm drink like tea or chocolate. Then I was hooked. A friend gave me a recipe and I made my own. 4 eggs 2/3 C. sugar Beat together... Add 1-1/4 C. flour 1 tsp baking poder 1 tsp anise seed 1 handful slivered almonds Bake in an ungreased 9 x 12 pan for 30 minutes at 350. When cool slice into the traditional rectangular shape and remove. Put the pieces on a cookie sheet with space between them and bake again at 225 degrees for about 30 minutes or until they are dry and toasty like. There you are. Easy as pie.


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