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Art Show: In the Kitchen with EBSQ: Art & Food

Yellow Cake with Wings

by Naquaiya

Banner for In the Kitchen with EBSQ: Art & Food art show

Art: Yellow Cake with Wings by Artist Naquaiya
Recipe for Yellow Cake with Wings:

1 box of your favorite yellow cake mix, 3 fresh eggs, 1 small box vanilla instant pudding, 2/3 cup canola oil, 2/3 cup cream sherry, freshly grated nutmeg. (You can use a packaged nutmeg spice jar but it's not as good as freshly grated. (about 1/2 tsp)

Notice there is no water in this recipe and mix will be rather thick looking, make sure to blend really well. Mix all ingredients very well with electric mixer. When very well mixed, transfer to a bundt pan or a double layer cake pan that has been sprayed with non stick oil.

Bake at 350 deg.oven for 45-50 mins. or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool in pan. Invert bundt pan onto serving plate and dust with powdered sugar. For double layer pans, frost with chocolate frosting as shown in artwork.

Wave your magic wand and if you are lucky, wings will instantly appear to amaze and mystify your guests!!!


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