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Art Show: In the Kitchen with EBSQ: Art & Food

Europe Still VI: Peanut Brittle

by Heather Sims

Banner for In the Kitchen with EBSQ: Art & Food art show

Art: Europe Still VI: Peanut Brittle by Artist Heather Sims
The 6th in my award winning Europe Still life Series. The Chicken Pitcher is from Italy and is given to friends to bring good luck and ward off intruders. In the cute little striped Polish pottery bowl is a batch of yummy peanut brittle! This peanut brittle is done in the microwave and is so fast and gets rave reviews. If you need something quick that people will LOVE you've got to try this peanut brittle!!! Yummy!!! Microwave Oven Peanut Brittle INGREDIENTS * 1 1/2 cups dry roasted peanuts * 1 cup white sugar * 1/2 cup light corn syrup * 1 pinch salt (optional) * 1 tablespoon butter * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract * 1 teaspoon baking soda DIRECTIONS 1. Grease a baking sheet, and set aside. In a glass bowl, combine peanuts, sugar, corn syrup, and salt. Cook in microwave for 6 to 7 minutes on High (700 W); mixture should be bubbly and peanuts browned. Stir in butter and vanilla; cook 2 to 3 minutes longer. 2. Quickly stir in baking soda, just until mixture is foamy. Pour immediately onto greased baking sheet. Let cool 15 minutes, or until set. Break into pieces, and store in an airtight container.

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