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Art Show: In the Kitchen with EBSQ: Art & Food

Banana Kitty Parfait

by Naquaiya

Banner for In the Kitchen with EBSQ: Art & Food art show

Art: Banana Kitty Parfait by Artist Naquaiya
Recipe for Banana Kitty Parfait: 1 (3.4oz) pkg each vanilla & chocolate pudding 4 cups milk, divided 30 vanilla wafers 2 -3bananas sliced whipped cream or whipped topping Cook pudding using 2 cups milk following pkg. directions. Regrigerate and allow to cool. Arrange wafers and banana slices in the bottom and sides of 4 big glass footed goblets. Layer chocolate and vanilla pudding alternately. Make it look pretty. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. Before serving, add whipped cream or topping. Serve with cherry on top if desired. mmmmm


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