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Art Show: Harmony

Meditation Falls

by Alma Lee

Banner for Harmony art show

Art: Meditation Falls by Artist Alma Lee
I sit in stillness
and silently speak
I close my eyes
that I may see
all that was
and all that will be

Meditation falls
and blankets me
in the warmth of truth
I am reminded 
of my youth
all I was
and failed to be
Comes to light
in perfect harmony

This is a wabi-sabi (cold wax and oil Painting) It is a scene that brings a peaceful meditation, the processing of a quiet resolve where while I remain lost in it's beauty I will come into my self.

About this painting
size: 10.75x23"
media: cold wax and oil paint
style: Wabi Sabi, expressionism

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Meditation Falls

waterfalls cup.jpg

Detail Image for art Meditation Falls

waterfalls cup 2.jpg

Detail Image for art Meditation Falls

waterfalls cup 2.jpg


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