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Art Show: The Figure in 3-D

Little Boy Bird

by Cynthia Gaub

Banner for The Figure in 3-D art show

Art: Little Boy Bird by Artist Cynthia  Gaub
This found object doll was created in a class taught by Opie and Linda Obrien. I learned some VERY cool things about apoxie sculpt. A material that I had never heard of let alone tried. On my first piece, I really only used the apoxie as an attachment substance. It worked well to connect a plastic comet to the doll head and the heavy wooden wings to the wooden block body. The material takes paint easily and blends in to the sculpture, in addition to being a super way to attach awkward pieces. I would love to explore it more.

I brought some wings that have been in one of my mixed media drawers for awhile. These went on my body right away. But then I was stuck on how top heavy my piece was turning out. Luckily on the walk back from lunch I found a couple of sticks that looked like they were legs with high heels. Turns out they were the perfect finish to balance out my first piece.

The body is a wood block that is collaged with papers, then painted with copper acrylic paints and finally wired wrapped to attach a antique drawer pull to the chest. Eyescrews were placed to attach the tree branch legs, so they dangle from the torso.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Little Boy Bird


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