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Art Show: Celebrating Fan Art

Battle of the Babies

by Vicky Knowles

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Art: Battle of the Babies by Artist Vicky Knowles
Godzilla and Mothra go way back.  In fact, they've known each other their whole lives!  Interesting, right?!   I didn't know that either until I came across this photo of them together way back when they were "two-toothers" in diapers. It's nice to see that Baby Godzilla's parents were ecologically responsible even then - no disposable diapers for the future King of Monsters!

In this painting, Baby Godzilla is learning how to destroy buildings while spoil-sport Baby Mothra is swooping in to stop him.    Way to ruin a good time, Baby Mothra!

This painting was inspired by the old Godzilla and Mothra movies from the 50's. They were so exciting and so much better than what passes for monster fare these days! 


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