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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Wisteria

Wisteria Hide Away...*SISTERS*

by Valerie Brock

Banner for Flower of the Month: Wisteria art show

Art: Wisteria Hide Away...*SISTERS* by Artist Valerie Brock
"Sisters make the real conversations....not the saying but the never needing to say is what counts." ---Margaret Lee Runbeck This darling little gem was inspired by my dear sister. These two sweet corgi sisters are enjoying a chat and a cup of tea, beneath their wisteria hideaway. Wisteria always seems to invite you to sit under its canopy and find a refuge from the cares of the day. Painted with professional grade acrylics, signed and sealed with a clear acrylic finish to protect the paint. This painting comes with a picture hanger attached and a certificate of authenticity. Painting can be hung directly from the box, no need to frame.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Wisteria Hide Away...*SISTERS*

Detail Image for art Wisteria Hide Away...*SISTERS*

Detail Image for art Wisteria Hide Away...*SISTERS*


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