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Art Show: In the Winter Garden

Inside Out

by Deanne Flouton

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Art: Inside Out by Artist Deanne Flouton
These perky pink petunias turn their faces towards a place they occupied on the deck most of the year, now snow covered from the remains of a blizzard.  They were planted in May of 2010 and bloomed profusely all summer and fall in a pot on the deck. By late fall they began to slow down but managed to produce a few flowers throughout most of the winter, keeping company with the geraniums which graced the inside and together provided a colorful winter garden.  

I wonder what the petunias might be thinking as they gaze out upon the snow--probably thankful that they are inside where it is warm and cozy! 

Unfortunately, the last blooms faded away just after Valentine's Day--after one of the longest runs I've ever seen for this species. They were beautiful while they lasted, captured by this digital painting.


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