It's not easy being blue? Somedays you just feel a little down - could be the weather, could be the bills, could it be hormones? *smile* The Spring holds a reason for new hopes and dreams - as winter blue fades to spanish yellow sun.
I chose to create this piece because I wanted to show the symbolism of winter changing to spring... the spanish yellow color representing the warmth of the sun,the blue in the tulip one of the first early signs of spring which soon too give way to the later spring and summer annuals. I chose blue because of the early nature of the tulip - In Nova Scotia, Canada you often see the tulips poking up through the snow along with the Crocus. I added words to my piece but not in a straight line and not close together - the reasoning for this was to indicate the passage of time , the fluidity of the seasons. I hope you enjoy this piece.
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True Blue
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