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Art Show: Flower of the Month: State Flowers

Dogwood and Dragonflies

by Rebecca M Ronesi-Gutierrez

Banner for Flower of the Month: State Flowers art show

Art: Dogwood and Dragonflies by Artist Rebecca M Ronesi-Gutierrez
Dogwood and Dragonflies....painted together in a abstract watercolor on canvas. It's quite a unique look and very soothing. Multi layers over the watercolored stained canvas create texture in the actual blooms and branches. I currently reside in the state of VA...the American Dogwood bloom in white and pink all over the state. It is always one of the fisrt trees to bloom.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Dogwood and Dragonflies

Detail Image for art Dogwood and Dragonflies

Detail Image for art Dogwood and Dragonflies


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