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Art Show: Flower of the Month: State Flowers

Buds N Roses

by Lori Andrews

Banner for Flower of the Month: State Flowers art show

Art: Buds N Roses by Artist Lori Andrews
The New York State Flower. I had to paint 20 of these roses for an instructional class I taught at the Escondio Arts Expo, each one signifying each step, so that the students could see how it is completed. I have a video of the painting being created on my youtube channel. I tried to suggest the tiniest of little veins that one would see on the rose which was a tedious thing to do especially in watercolor. This painting has many different glazes with much control of the water with my brush using the lifting out technique.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Buds N Roses

Closeup Of the Veins


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